Monday, June 11, 2012


windy day, cold wind blows. and when it touch me, I get chills. but it's different. loneliness doesn't attack me brutally, there's only calmness.

I laying down on my bed, in dimly room. and wait for the bad things happen, the angger, the tears. but there's not any. there's only beautiful silence. an orchestra of soundless life.

and I played a beautiful song, notes come trough my hands. fingers starts to dance in piano keys. and my minds fly away, even my body still in the piano seat. I fly

life it's at silence. whispering a beautiful notes, a melody.

and sudenly I have this peace. a clam sound of my mind and my heart. and world, and people... becomes little bit better, little bit sweeter.

singing a soundless song, a lulaby of a unending dream. I sing, with the life, with the winds. and I feel at peace.
