Friday, August 31, 2012

Hello, I just finished and sent my assignment to my teacher. and I thought "hey why not write one post?"

and now here I am.

it's already midnight and I'm extremely exhausted. I just got home at 10 pm... thursday always be an exhausting day. well, because I have ballet class at 5 pm until 6:30 pm and music theory class at 8 pm until 9 pm. yeah... my life is kinda bussy.

but this is the exciting one, I'm actually liking it. I like to be bussy, to do something I love to do. to be passionette about something. I want to live up my dreams.

tomorow I have chemistry test. I so lazy to studying. I don't like chemistry very much. just mediocre. but I do like physic. and art. haha.

I curently like (or love) for classical music. I have this playlist in my handphone, that full of classical music. I like boys who can play classical music instrumen. it's cool. even so, my crush can't play any instrumen........ *moment of silent*

well, this post already have to many random thoughts on my head. so goodbye...